Music compilations from 2012 to 2014 by Jerick from BerryTube.


The compilations are from BerryTube’s website.

Direct downloads are also available as ZIP files, which have identical contents to the torrents, with some minor exceptions:

  • The torrents for Project Endgame and The Berrytube Essential Mix contain both the audio files as well as the direct-download archive in the same folder.
  • The direct download for Cognitive Dissonance contains a file called 11- There's Something About Screw Loose.mp3 under Logic, whereas the same file in the torrent is named 11- Theres Something About Screw Loose.mp3 (without the apostrophe).
  • The direct download for Sonic Rockboom contains an extra inner folder (Sonic Rockboom/Sonic Rockboom).